Amanda & Ethan

  1. Karen Crisman says:

    Congratulations Ethan and Amanda! I am so happy for you both. Your wedding photos are absolutely stunning. I wish you both nothing but happiness ❤

  2. Tammy Foster-Webb says:

    Congratulations Amanda and Ethan! I remember you as that cute little girl from Ecoff School and The Daisys with my daughter Kimberly and God daughter Mallory. So very happy for you both. Much love, happiness, and success in the future. God Bless you both! ❤️💞

  3. Randi Scott says:

    Congratulations Ethan and Amanda. Amanda I have seen you from being a baby to becoming a woman you and Ethan are and will be a part of our family always. I pray for nothing but happiness in your marriage.

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